Liquid Fertilisers

Premium liquid fertilisers to ensure efficient nutrient distribution.

Products » Liquids » Magnesium Nitrate Liquid

Magnesium Nitrate Liquid

Aquasol Nutri
Magnesium Nitrate Liquid | Aquasol Nutri
Calcium Nitrate | Magnesium Nitrate | Liquid Fertilizer


A liquid form of magnesium nitrate, Mg(NO3)2, containing magnesium and nitrogen in the nitrate (NO3) form.

Other trade names: MgNO3


Mg = 58 g/kg; N = 66 g/kg



Only supplied in bulk containers / tanker loads.



Store inside, away from rain and heat, in a suitable container.


Registration Details

Product is registered in terms with the Fertilizers, Farm feeds, Agricultural and Stock Remedies Act (Act 36 of 1947), nr. B4146. Aquasol reserves the right to supply generic products of similar quality and specifications registered by third party suppliers.



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